embenet_br.h File Reference

Table of contents Table of contents

Border Router API. More...

Data Structures

struct  EMBENET_BR_Config
 Stores Border Router configuration needed to start the network. More...
struct  EMBENET_BR_JoinRule
 Single rule that governs the constrained join process. More...


EMBENET_Result EMBENET_BR_Init (void)
 Initializes the border router network process. More...
void EMBENET_BR_Deinit (void)
 Deinitializes the border router network process. More...
void EMBENET_BR_Proc (void)
 Runs the border router process. More...
EMBENET_Result EMBENET_BR_StartNetwork (EMBENET_BR_Config const *config, EMBENET_BR_EventHandlers const *eventHandlers, unsigned timeoutMs)
 Starts network operation. More...
void EMBENET_BR_StopNetwork (void)
 Returns the UID of the node physically connected to the Border Router. More...
EMBENET_NetworkPrefix EMBENET_BR_GetNetworkPrefix (void)
 Gets the IPv6 Network Prefix (First 8 Bytes) More...
EMBENET_Result EMBENET_BR_AddJoinRule (EMBENET_BR_JoinRule *rule)
EMBENET_Result EMBENET_BR_RemoveJoinRule (EMBENET_BR_JoinRule *rule)
size_t EMBENET_BR_GetJoinRulesCount (void)
const EMBENET_BR_JoinRuleEMBENET_BR_GetJoinRuleByIndex (size_t index)
size_t EMBENET_BR_GetJoinedNodesCount (void)
EMBENET_EUI64 EMBENET_BR_GetJoinedNodeUidByIndex (size_t index)
bool EMBENET_BR_IsNodeJoined (EMBENET_EUI64 uid)
size_t EMBENET_BR_GetGroupCount (void)
EMBENET_GroupId EMBENET_BR_GetGroupIdByIndex (size_t index)
size_t EMBENET_BR_GetGroupCountForNode (EMBENET_EUI64 uid)
 Returns amount of multicast groups joined by the node with given UID. More...
EMBENET_GroupId EMBENET_BR_GetGroupIdForNodeByIndex (EMBENET_EUI64 uid, size_t index)
 Returns Mutlicast Group ID at given index from UID joined group list The maximum allowed index can be retrieved by calling EMBENET_BR_GetJoinedNodeMulticastGroupCount. More...

Detailed Description

Border Router API.

License: Commercial
Purpose: embeNET API